ASNA Mobile RPG® Reference Manual

Function Keys on Mobile

The wide array of function keys available on an IBM i interface provides a lot of the flexibility and functionality of IBM i programs, but hardware differences have traditionally made it all but impossible to bring them directly into the Mobile world. Mobile RPG often solves this problem by providing an on-screen DdsButton that corresponds to each enabled function key.

It's vital to add the keys to be used to the FuncKeys property of the DdsRecord Control where they'll be used. To activate a new Function key on a record, add the text Fx 0x (with x being the number of the function key) to the FuncKey property in either the Property Tasks dialog, Properties Window or the HTML for the control.

The labels of the function key buttons can easily be changed, as can their shapes, sizes, and location, with modifications to the properties of the DdsButton control that represents them. The Function (or Attention) key to associate with a DdsButton is set with the AidKey property. This can be done by setting it through the Properties Window for that button, or in the HTML by adding AidKey="Fx" to the button's properties.