ASNA Mobile RPG® Reference Manual

The CRUD Wizard Starter App

The CRUD Wizard generates an app that functions as something of a template and tour of what Mobile RPG can do. Each new CRUD website consists of the following:

Logon Screen

The first thing users will encounter mirrors the IBM i experience quite thoroughly. The CRUD Wizard automatically populates User field with the data you provided. Type your password and click Sign On (or press enter) to continue: the CRUD starter program will begin running and you'll move on to the next screen.

Home Screen

The next screen is the first generated by Mobile RPG and containing data from the chosen library. It includes:

  1. A DdsBar: a control that creates a navigation (or footer) bar.
    1. Inside of the Bar are several DdsBarSegments, each of which defines a specific region of the bar:
      A Forward/Enter button.
      A title area, populated with the title of the record.
      A Search button.
      An Add button.
  2. Below that is a Expanding List populated with the first twenty records in the file. If more records are included in the original file, they can be added, one by one, by clicking the "More Items" button.
  3. Clicking on any of the displayed items will open the Show Item Page.

View Item Page

This page fulfills the "Read," "Update," and "Delete" options of the CRUD program, primarily through the buttons on the top

  1. Again, the top of the page is a DdsBar, this time with DdsBarSegments that contain:
    A Back DdsButton
    A title, which defaults to "View"
    A Save DdsButton
    An Edit DdsButton
  2. Below that is a series of DdsFields and DdsConstants derived from the contents of each record.

Search Page

This page is a simple search interface:

  1. A DdsBar with DdsBarSegments that contain:
  2. An input DdsField that allows users to input RRNs.

Add New Page

The final readily available page is a simple Add Record interface (the "C" part of "CRUD"):

  1. A DdsBar with DdsBarSegments that contain:
  2. The page also contains labeled, input-only DdsFields that allow the user to input information on the

See Also