As of version 8.0, Mobile RPG has an optional wizard that allows designers to swiftly create a Mobile RPG app that allows users simple Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) access to a selected Library on the IBM i.

Activating the CRUD Wizard

  1. In the navigation bar at the top of the Visual Studio or Mobile RPG Studio window, hover over File.
  2. Select New from the drop down list. A sub-menu will pop up; click on Web Site.
  3. In the New Web Site dialog that follows, select ASNA Mobile RPG CRUD Website for ILE.

Using the CRUD Wizard

  1. The following dialog box will appear:

    Click Next.
  2. The Wizard will advance to the Select DB File step, shown below.
  3. Provide your credentials or a DataGate Database Name.
  4. Select the Library and database file that contains the data you wish your application to use. Once valid credentials and an acceptable file have been chosen (any errors will be reported in the lower left corner of the wizard) the Next button will no longer be greyed out.
  5. Click Next.
  6. The Wizard will advance to the Choose Fields step, shown below.
  7. As the onscreen text describes, choose a field to act as a primary text field, and then choose one or two additional fields to act as detail fields; either by dragging and dropping the fields, or by selecting them and clicking the appropriate right arrow (>) button.
  8. Click Next.
  9. The Wizard will advance to the Select Source File Names step, shown below.
  10. Enter new names for the Source and Display file, and select a new library if desired. By default, the names listed above and the Library selected during the Select DB File step will be used.
  11. Click Finish.

This will complete the Wizard and open the new Mobile RPG CRUD website in Visual Studio or Mobile RPG Studio.