ASNA DataGate® ® for IBM i Reference

Installing ASNA DataGate® for IBM i


  • Preparing for the Install

    Preparing for the install

    Confirming compatibility with your current IBM I OS version

    Finding your current IBM I OS version

    To find your current IBM I OS version, begin a 5250 emulator session and enter one of the following commands:


    The release version is displayed.


    The release version is displayed on the third line: Release of base operation.


    The release version is displayed in the third column: License Term.

    Confirming compatibility using our version policy.

    From our version policy at:

    You'll need an account at for complete access to our GA builds. It only takes a minute!

    If you already have an account, please log in and skip to the next step, "locating the download file".

    Creating your devnet account

    Go to:

    Click on the option to Create an account

    Fill in all the required information. We do not sell your information to anyone. Please do not use a fake email address, as that will prevent you from retrieving your password if you should ever request it. Once you have completed the fields, click on the Create User button.

    Now that you have created your devnet account, log into the devnet site using the username and password you just specified. You know you are logged into the site correctly when you see your welcome displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

    Locating the download file.

    To access downloads, click on the Downloads section of the title bar.

    Scroll down to the Current Downloads summary section (shown below).

    Click on the first link that includes ASNA DataGate® 17.0

    Then under the General Availability section, click on the link for: ASNA DataGate® 17.0 for IBM i

    This takes you to the ASNA DataGate® 17.0 download site. Please read all the information on the page carefully.

    Downloading the file

    When you are ready to download the installation file, click on the small computer icon in the upper right-hand corner:

    This will begin the download process.

    Extracting the file

    Once the file is downloaded, open it to extract the compressed file.

    It will be extracted to your local hard drive at C:\ASNA\DG400\<version>, where <version> = the version of the file extracted. Remember or make note of this path, you will need it for the next step.

    Getting the file to your IBM i

    Create the save file on your IBM i

    From your 5250 emulator session, type in the command:


    Once the file has been successfully created, you should see a confirmation as in the screenshot below:

    Open a Command Prompt on your PC.

    Start the ftp session

    Start an ftp session to your IBM i by typing the command: ftp >server< , where >server< represents the IP address of DNS Hostname of your IBM i.

    Press Enter.

    Enter your IBM i user and password information as requested. Press Enter.

    Type in the command BINARY and press Enter.

    PUT the file

    Enter the following command to upload the file:


    where version = path from earlier


    Once the file has been successfully uploaded, you may QUIT and EXIT the ftp session:

    To confirm the contents of the save file on your IBM I, enter the command:


    Restoring the save file

    Enter this command to restore the DataGate® installation library to your IBM i.


    Running the installation program

    Note — Be sure you are logged in with the QSECOFR account. This insures you have authority to perform the installation successfully.

    Once logged in with the QSECOFR command, in your 5250 emulator, if (and only if) DataGate® Service is currently running in this library run:

    [Installation Library]/EndDg8Svr

    Afterward, or if DG Service is not running, run the command:


    You will see the following screen: This is the ASNA license agreement. Press the F8 key to accept the ASNA license agreement and continue the installation, or press the F3 key to NOT accept the ASNA License Agreement and exit the installation.

    Once the ASNA License Agreement is accepted, you will see the installation configuration screen.

    • A: The DataGate® version number you are installing.
    • B: The date this version was released.
    • C: The library where DataGate® will be installed.
    • D: The name of the subsystem that DataGate® will run in. If you enter a subsystem name that does not exist, the installation process will create it for you. If you enter an existing subsystem name, it must be started.
    • E: The library where the subsystem description exists (or will be created)
    • F: The name of the service table entry that will be created for this installation.
    • G: The tcp port number that DataGate® will communicate through. Port 5042 is the default port.
    • H: Yes/No - Do you want DataGate® to start after the installation?
    • I: Yes/No - Do you want to clear the cache library (DG8_VCAT72 library)? Note: This will require more time to complete the install.

    Press the F3 key to cancel the installation, or F6 key to continue with the install.

    Confirmation Screens

    A series of dialogs will appear to confirm your selections and give you an opportunity to change or cancel the installation as needed.

    The first confirmation screen confirm the library name you have chosen. Press the Enter key to continue or one of the function keys to cancel/change your installation.

    The next screen confirms the Subsystem DataGate® will be installed to.

    Press the Enter key to continue or one of the function keys to cancel/change your installation.

    The next screen confirms the tcp port DataGate® will be configured to use.

    Press the Enter key to continue or one of the function keys to cancel/change your installation.

    You will see DataGate® being installed and a confirmation text displayed in the lower left corner of your screen.

    Important commands to remember:


    To enter/view/change the DataGate® license.


    To start the DataGate® service on your IBM i


    To end the DataGate® service on your IBM i

    Now we can license DataGate® 17.0

    Licensing DataGate® 17.0

    To enter a license for DataGate® 17.0, enter the command REGISTER from the installation library:


    This will display the ASNA DataGate® Registration Assistant screen:

    To obtain a license, contact the ASNA Licensing Department by:

    Call: 1-800-321-2762

    We will need your company name and the serial / model number of your IBM I to generate the license (on the registration screen).

    A screenshot of your ASNA DataGate® Registration Assistant screen is not necessary, but appreciated.

    Once you have entered the license, you should see a confirmation text that the license installed on this machine is valid

    You are now ready to use DataGate® 17.0 for IBM i