DBFile Members

DBFile overview

Public Constructor

overloaded method DBFile This can not be called directly in code, instantiate using DCLDISKFILE .

Public Properties

public property FormatName Gets the name of the record format last read or written.
public property IsEOF Returns True when a file input operation results in End-of-File being reached. 
public property IsEqual Returns True when akeyed file 'Seek' operation results in a record being found that matches the seek Key. 
public property IsError Returns True when an I/O operation results in an error condition.
public property IsFound Returns True when akeyed file record I/O operation results in a record being found.
public property IsOpen Gets a boolean value indicating if the file is currently open for I/O operations.
public property LastException Gets the last exception thrown for this file. This property is of type ASNA.VisualRPG.Runtime.AvrException.
public property Overrider Gets or sets the DB file overrider. This property is of type ASNA.VisualRPG.Runtime.IDBFileOverrider.
public property RecCount Gets the current number of non-deleted records in the file.
public property RecNum Gets the current RRN for the last input operation to a file.

Public Fields

public method BlockingFactor Contains the client/server record blocking size.
public method DclFileName Contains the name of the file field. This field is readonly.
public method FilePath Contains the path of the file.
public method IsDefaultRFN Contains True if the "default" renamed format is going to be used.
public method IsFormatID Contains True if the opened file's format ID is equal to the described file's format ID.
public method IsKeyed Contains True if the file has been opened for "keyed" access.
public method MemberName Contains the name of the file member to be opened when the file is opened.
public method QryFileName Contains the name of the query file created for the QrySelect and QryKeyFlds parameters.
public method QryKeyFlds Contains the name of one or more key fields used to arrange the query records.
public method QrySelect Contains the selection expression used to determine which records are to be made available for processing.
public method ShareType Contains a string defining how a file will be shared.
public method WaitRec Contains the waiting period for a record. 

See Also