/IF /ELSE /ELSEIF /ENDIF Directives (Visual RPG)

The /IF /ELSE /ELSEIF /ENDIF directives conditionally compile selected blocks of Visual RPG code.


/IF <condition> - tests a condition expression for conditional compilation.

/ELSEIF <condition> - tests a subsequent condition inside a /IF or /ELSEIF group

/ELSE - unconditionally selects source lines to be read following afailed /IF or /ELSEIF test.

/ENDIF - ends the most recent /IF, /ELSEIF or /ELSE group.

where <condition> is DEFINED (<symbol>) or NOT DEFINED (<symbol>)

Code that is passed over due to a /IF /ELSE /ENDIF isn’t just skipped during execution (like a normal if else endif), but it is totally skipped over during compilation. So a block of code held by a /IF that evaluates to false can have anything at all within it (c#, pascal, gibberish, etc.) and the compiler will not let the user know because it is simply not compiled. Thus, the very act of changing a defined symbol to undefined, or vice versa could potentially cause huge differences in the compilation results.

- An /IF group can contain at most one /ELSE and must me matched by a terminating /ENDIF

- /ELSEIF and /ELSE are not valild outside an /IF group, and an /ELSEIF cannot follow an /ELSE

- An /IF group must be contained within the same source file; it's not valid to have an /IF in a file with /ELSEIF or /ELSE directives, or the matching /ENDIF in a /COPY file.


See example in /DEFINE.


Namespace: ASNA.VisualRPG.Runtime

Assembly: ASNA Visual RPG Runtime (in ASNA.VisualRPG.Runtime.dll)

Platforms: Windows server 2012, Windows server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.

See Also