AllowSort Property


The AllowSort property sets a boolean value indicating if sorting on columns is allowed. The default is False.


        control.AllowSort =<booleanVal>


booleanVal of type *Boolean.

True indicates sorting on columns is allowed.  False (default) indicates no column sorting is allowed.


The AllowSort property can be set at design-time only.

When this property is TRUE, the user can change the sequence of the rows displayed in the Subfile by clicking on the column headings.

Important: Although the user’s view may be changed with column sorting, the data in the Subfile remains in the same sequence as it was originally loaded.  Data retrieved from a sorted Subfile’s row will be the data that was written to the Subfile when filled.


Namespace: ASNA.VisualRPG.Windows.Controls

Assembly: ASNA.VisualRPG.Windows.Controls (in ASNA.VisualRPG.Windows.Controls.dll)

Platforms: Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.

See Also